1 Month

Sudah hampir 1 bulan aku mengenal Belinda and to be honest I addicted to chat with her, and I already stop talking to Aira, since I knew her. I talked about many things, and I thought we shared the similar taste of things. For instance, she said that she would love to live at KSA near Makkah or Madina, she loves children, she loves travelling, and she told me she wanted to go to KSA for honeymoon. And those things are the things I want to do.

Aku pernah bermimpi untuk melakukan bulan madu bersama dengan istriku di KSA, entah itu haji atau umrah. Dan ketika dia berkata demikian aku seakan menemukan sesuatu yang berbeda. And I thought to myself, is she the one I’m looking for a long time? But oke, aku akan kesampingkan hal ini, kita hanya teman berbagi pendapat, that’s all.

She always looks radiant, funny, and smart as always. The thing I never forgot is she said “I want to have a baby boy than a girl”.

“why? Girl is as precious as well” I replied her

“Because I want to teach him how to be a good man not such a jerk who hurts any women. Hehe”

“If that the case, I would have a baby girl, so I can teach her to be a good woman who always keep her self-esteem as a moslimah, not fall in love to a jerk. Haha”

Setelah percakapan tersebut aku berpikir sesuatu untuk tahu lebih lanjut tentang dia.

“Btw, If you are a wife, what would it be?”

“How do you mean? I don’t get it?”

“Jika engkau menjadi seorang istri, ingin menjadi seperti apa?”

“Oh, hmmm.. I would like to be housewife, dedicate myself at home.. Perhaps I would do some freelance job, since i am an engineer. But it wouldn’t be my first priority. I just want to apply my knowledge about my bachelor. It would be a waste if i keep it to myself. Hehe”

“Hmm.. don’t you think to take your master degree? Just asking, maybe you want to take it in my country ;-)”

“Well, most of women nowadays will think to take their master degree overseas or at least in our country. I don’t know but my professor told me that it is the trend now, taking the master course right after your bachelor graduation. To be honest my little wish, I want to be like them. Haha. But when I realized after I got a chance to work, I don’t want to take any master course at the same study like I took before. Since my dream is to be a housewife, I want to take something else which related to my dream. Perhaps it is just my narrow thought. Many people told me to continue my study, some said because i am smart, the other said it will be easier to get a job if you have master degree, and so on. I was thinking it though. But, I don’t know.. Half of me want to get that, but the other of me don’t want it. So, a bit complicated right. Haha. I don’t even know what I was talking to you.”

“hmm.. well said, Miss housewife. I think you just don’t want what you learn to be waste on a piece of paper. It is true that you must do what you think is right along what you want to be, rather than take anything that you don’t need it. But it also true for some women to get their master course, because they think the more you have a good education the more your children get an advantage from it.”

“I thought so.. :)”

“So what is your interest then?”

“I would like to learn Arabic Literature and some course related to Quran. hehe. How about you? I talked too much today, it is your turn. Tell me about you.”

“I’m sorry my mom called, so I need to see her, InshaAllah I talk to you later, Salam :)”

Hari ini ibuku menghubungiku, setelah cedera punggung yang dialaminya, dia belum mampu untuk berdiri. Jadi aku harus mengurusnya, sejak adikku bekerja di Cyprus. Walaupun terkadang ibuku selalu memarahiku karena meninggalkan agama nenek moyang kita, tapi dia tetap ibuku. Aku masih mencintainya, malah lebih mencintainya setelah aku meyakini Allah sebagai Tuhanku yang Esa.

March 2012

*OOT : kenapa judulnya 1 month? sesugguhnya saya tidak punya ide judul untuk tulisan ini, terlalu absurd.. haha.. It is hard when you have to imagine the end of the story you made..

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