
4f4eea60fa2b15a3c6b0dce771411d01Beberapa waktu lalu diingatkan lagi tentang perkara – perkara seorang muslim yang perlu wajib disegerakan, sesuai dengan hadis berikut : Dari Hatim Al-Ashom -rahimahullah- berkata :

“Dikatakan, “Ketergesa-gesaan itu dari setan, kecuali dalam lima perkara: menghidangkan makanan jika tamu telah hadir, mengurusi jenazah jika telah wafat, menikahkan anak gadis jika telah baligh, menunaikan utang jika telah jatuh tempo, dan bertobat dari dosa jika telah melakukan dosa”. [HR. Abu Nu’aim dalam Al-Hilyah (8/78)]

Perkara yang ingin saya share kali ini adalah menunaikan utang jika telah jatuh tempo. 

Hadits shahih dari Abu Hurairah rodhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Jiwa seorang mukmin itu tergantung karena hutangnya hingga hutangnya dilunasi” (HR Imam Thurmudzy).

Betapa berat persoalan utang ini, bahkan ketika seseorang meninggal di jalan Allah, Allah akan menghapuskan dosa dosanya, kecuali Hutang. Dari Abu Qotaadah radhiallahu ‘anhu :

“…Lalu ada seorang lelaki berdiri dan berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana jika aku terbunuh di jalan Allah, apakah dosa-dosaku akan tertebuskan?”. Maka Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berkata, “Iya, jika engkau meninggal berjihad di jalan Allah dan engkau dalam kondisi bersabar dan berharap, maju dan tidak mundur”.
Lalu Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berkata, “Bagaimana yang kau katakan?”. Lelaki itu berkata, “Bagaimana, jika aku terbunuh di jalan Allah, apakah dosa-dosa tertebuskan?”. Maka Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berkata, “Iya, dan engkau dalam kondisi bersabar dan berharap, maju dan tidak mundur, Kecuali Hutang, sesungguhnya Jibril mengatakan hal itu kepadaku” (HR Muslim no 1885) Continue reading

The Temptations of the World

pocket full of sunshine

Bismillahi.. Assalamu’alaykum..

The first thing I thought this morning, ‘Need to see a doctor!’ -___-” Continue reading

Save me from the Hell


In some ayat at Qur’an, Allah Ta’ala orders His slaves to ask for Heaven and Allah likes it, and suggests them to do some things that make them one of its inhabitant as soon as possible. No more laziness ! Do righteous deeds as soon as possible, as you’ll die the next minutes. Continue reading

Al-Ikhwan’s sacrifices, will it be meaningless?


This post written by @malakmalakmal, I just publis it on english, so the people in the world could read his opinion about Egypt. There is no adding on this writting..

Want to write a tweet, but don’t know where to start… 2000 people were slaughtered in just a few hours, and now increase to 6000 people.. Yaa Allah..Is he a human? Which easily  gives instructions to eliminate the lives of 6000 people ..In this land, lived Pharao who killed innocent babies long time ago..In this land, Prophet Musa and Prophet Harun was born, the enforcer of Tawheed..

Pharao of the present are not afraid of hands covered in blood, as long as it’s someone else blood. Behind him, there are Qaroon of the present, who live in luxury and devoted his property to murder. One’s faith is not perfect  if we don’t love our brother as we love ourselves, Does it still have mean? O nation of Indonesia, do you still understand the burden of the word “ brother”? Continue reading

Being Stranger

The clouds

The clouds

Just read a book by Mohammad Fauzil Adhim, Mencari Ketenangan di Tengah Kesibukan (Seeking for serenity in the midst of busyness). One of its content is “Kebanyakan” (Majority).

This is what I get from that  writting. He said ‘Alqur’an often mentions the term of “majority” (for instance… aktsaruhum la ya’qilun) and shows a bad quality of mental, impressionable, not thinking clearly, easy negligent and careless, easily broken the promise, have no faith, fasik, ungratefulll, and easy to get digression.

Majority people are losers. Eventhough Allah doesnt say with “majority word”, but losers in Al-‘Ashr are majority people. Surely every human is lost, except for those who believes, do righteous deeds, and advise one another in righteousness and patience. In Surah At-Tiin, the people safe from asfala safilin is people who have faith, do the right deeds, then reward that never end for them. Continue reading


I catched a title about this in

Ok, the first time i read it, i think “That’s the crazy thing I ever heard” !

Then, i think.. Oh Baby, if you don’t want to get pregnant, please follow this step, to avoid pregnancy. :-p

  1. Look into your heart, ask your heart, where is your God? I think there is no single religion is telling his people doing free sex or premarital sex. Am I right?
  2. Why dont you get married?
  3. And for you girls, please know the consequences about what are you doing? Are you aware of what are you doing? (tepok jidat berkali-kali, nyampe mata ampir keluar saking gemesssss !!!)
  4. And for you too boys, please ‘remember your sisters’, what if the “unplanned pregnancy” happens to her by someone who unresponsible? Dont you feel sad?

I am wondering, the children who dont have father (I mean, because the UNEXPECTED THING SO-CALLED UNPLANNED PREGNANT *premarital sex), what will they feel???????

Duuuh, emang emaknya ga sayang ama anaknya????

Astaghfirullah! If that thing happens, the mother and the father to be, always accuse each other. The one say ‘it was your fault’ and the other say ‘No, it was your fault!’ . Fiuhhhh…

* Ini si gue ngomong apa sih?

Yang jelas, saya sedih deh yha, denger anak SMP udah ngomongin kondom, bahkan si gue baru tahu tuh zaman SMA woy! kalau dipikir makin ke sini, ko anak SD makin ‘dewasa belum saatnya’. Anak TK sudah berkirim surat cinta itu rasanya….

Heum.. Hey dear moms to be, your role is more harder! Lets to be a good mom, not just good but be a faith, a strong mommy! Ah well, I just remember, I met Ummu X (lupa nama teteh itu :-p) this morning. She had 5 children, age about under 9 years. 4 girls and 1 boy. The girls was wearing hijab, and the boy wear a cap (you know a hat when men come to masjid, uhuh?). She raised them very well, especially in religious thing..

Haha.. Yosh!! Mari menjadi ibu yang beriman ! 🙂


Mosquée de l’Unicité

Mosquée de l’Unicité (Inclusive Mosque).. Please search it for further information,,

Just knew it now (parah kalee gue yha.. heuheu).. When I read an article on Yahoo, I stuck on this post ‘Di Masjid Gay, Tiada Hijab Antara Wanita dan Lelaki’ . *tepok jidat*

Ah, I don’t know what I have to say.. Speechless.. heum.. 😦

then i read on this article. I read this line :

“Zahed says there is nothing in the Koran that says that women cannot be Imams”.

Remember about a woman named Amina Wadud??

Well, I don’t know if I am right or wrong, but from my knowledge about woman being an Imaam. Heum, a woman can lead a prayer when the makmum are women as well.

Look at this ayaah : An-Nisaa : 34

Arrijaalu qawwamuuna ‘alan Nisaai bima fadhalallahu ba’dhahum ‘ala badhi wa bima anfaaqu min amwaa lihim……” This is the part of ayaah 34 which means : Men are the protectors and maintaners of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other and because they spend (to support them) from their means.

See this hadith below :

“Don’t let a woman be an Imaam for men” (Narrated by Ibn Majah)

And as we have known about  “The best place for woman to prayer is in her room” (Narrated Imam Bukhari)

Then see this hadith ” Shalat can be interrupted by woman, dog, and himar (donkey)” (narrated by Imam Muslim)

Because the rules of Fiqh : “the origin law of prayer is tauqifi and ittiba’ (follow the guidance and sunnah Rasul)” . And.. as far as i know, i never heard or read about woman lead a prayer for women and men  in time of Rasulullah or Shahabah and Shahabiyah.. So, woman can’t lead a prayer for women and men.

Some times i become an Imaam, but when my makmum are woman (my sisters or my friends). And, I never think to be an Imaam for men.. hummm..

Astaghfirullah.. To say it frankly : What the hell is going on?



When you tell me, that you love him !

loveWell yeah, how happy if we can marry someone we love, right? But, what you feel when someone you love, marry another person or even your own brothers or friends. This is not fairytale, this story happened more than 1001 years ago, when one of the Shahabah, Salman Al-Farisi was still alive. I am not lying, it is true that Salman Al-Farisi sacrificed his love for his brother.. So here we go the story, Enjoy !

Salman Al Farisi was a noble man from Persia, and as a Persian he was a Zoroastrianism (Majusi), but he didn’t feel comfort with his belief. Then he had inner turmoil to find the religion that can reassure him. Seeking of the religion brought him to Arabian Peninsula and finally he converted to Islam.

He was a hero with his brilliant idea to make a trench in order to protect Madinnah in Khandaq War. After Rasulullah passed away, He was sent to be a Governor in his land of birth, till he passed. Salman was close Shahabaa to Rasulullah, even in one history Rasulullah said, ‘Salman is our family”. Continue reading


Hear him recites Maryam,,
MaashaAllah 🙂

And hear him recites Ath-Thaariq, hear his prounounciation in tajweed (qalqalah letters) in, especially ‘qaf’ ( ق ).. He recites it ‘tarteel’.. How cute, Abdurrahman :). Special du’a from Khollah here, in Indonesie. hehehe

Even you cough so badly, but you were still go on to recite.. I want to pinch his cheeks, his nose, and kiss him, hahaha.. how adorable llittle boy.. 🙂