Let Me Introduce Him

He was sitting on his chair next to the window, while sipping a cup of his favorite coffee. His hazel eyes and dark brown hair are looking so handsomely through that window. His posture, ah, do not even tell about that,  he is the perfect one that all girls want.

A few years ago, we were just a stranger with totally, totally different world. But today, he is the one who always sits beside me, looks after me, listens to my whole day story, he is the one who chooses me among other girls he met. Ask me why? I don’t even know, because he just say “there is no particular reason, because you are just nice and i can do silly things comfortably”. As simple as that, yes!

And me, why did I accept him from any other man who came? “It’s just click, I love to talk about anything, that’s why you know, people who knew me for along time say that I’m a talkative person, and talking to him for hours is really enjoyable moment in my life”. For Goodness sake, I miss him every now and then. Looking to him smile every time is really nice and I love him more.#

Then, here we go, in this small and compact apartment, we decided to hold hands and enjoy our moment together from now till death do us part. And our story begins…

Love never ask for a reason ?

1 Month

Sudah hampir 1 bulan aku mengenal Belinda and to be honest I addicted to chat with her, and I already stop talking to Aira, since I knew her. I talked about many things, and I thought we shared the similar taste of things. For instance, she said that she would love to live at KSA near Makkah or Madina, she loves children, she loves travelling, and she told me she wanted to go to KSA for honeymoon. And those things are the things I want to do.

Aku pernah bermimpi untuk melakukan bulan madu bersama dengan istriku di KSA, entah itu haji atau umrah. Dan ketika dia berkata demikian aku seakan menemukan sesuatu yang berbeda. And I thought to myself, is she the one I’m looking for a long time? But oke, aku akan kesampingkan hal ini, kita hanya teman berbagi pendapat, that’s all.

She always looks radiant, funny, and smart as always. The thing I never forgot is she said “I want to have a baby boy than a girl”. Continue reading

Miss Shorty

After waiting for a little while for Miss Busy, I had a chance to chat with her. One word for her ‘Impressive’. She is quite young in her early twenty, we have 7 years gap, of course I am older than her. When she told me that she couldn’t speak in english, I knew that she lied to me, I mean, english is not my mother tongue as well, so for the first time i talked to her she is good enough in passive english, though there is a little mess in grammar, but it doesn’t matter, since i understand what she was trying to talk. Hehe. Continue reading

Met Miss Busy

Sudah beberapa hari aku berkenalan dengan Aira, aku bercerita cukup banyak dengannya. Tentang kehidupanku dan juga sedikit tentang dirinya. Aku berkata pada Aira tentang hobbyku membaca buku dan apapun yang menarik untuk dibaca, tentang aku suka berdiskusi, dan lain – lain. Kemudian, tiba – tiba Aira menceritakan tentang seseorang, yang sempat membuatku tertarik.

Aira berkata, “Aku punya teman yang punya hobby yang sama denganmu, smart, berwawasan luas, dan pemahaman agama yang bagus. Kau mau aku kenalkan dengannya?”

“hmmm.. If she doesn’t mind” Aku hanya menjawabnya demikian, walaupun sedikit ragu.

“Here is her ID belinda_08, you can add her later :)”

“Ok, thanks” Continue reading

Winter 2012

Seperti biasa, aku duduk di depan komputer ku, menghitung neraca cashflow perusahaan kecil yang aku rintis beberapa tahun yang lalu. Secangkir teh menemani keseharianku dalam dinginnya udara musim dingin. Walaupun musim dingin hendak berlalu, berganti musim semi, namun dinginnya menusuk tulang tulang sendiku.

Hari ini seperti biasa, aku membuka grup chat ku, berharap menemukan sesuatu atau seseorang yang baru seperti biasa. Menemukan kenalan baru adalah hobby ku beberapa tahun terakhir. Setelah beberapa jam aku membaca grup seperti biasa, aku menemukan seseorang, yang menurutku cukup tertarik dengan agama yang baru beberapa tahun aku yakini.

“Assalam ‘Alaykum, nice to meet you” Sapaku pada nya, sambil berdebar aku tak tahu apakah dia seorang lelaki atau wanita, tapi entah mengapa aku memberanikan diri untuk berkenalan dengannya.

“Wa’alaikumsalam. nice to meet you too” dia menjawab ku ramah.
“Hi, my name is Andre. I am a moslem, well years ago, allhamdulillah. Are you a moslem as well?”
“yes, my name is Aira. so did you just revert to moslem? That’s great !” Continue reading

The Sisters

Me : “Do you still talking with him?”
Sister : “Uhmm.. not really, i’m trying to avoid him..”
Me : “Why? Is there something wrong?”
Sister : “For him, I don’t think so, but for me, yes I have a big, no no, really big problem, so i thought it for long time, I should better not to talk with him”
Me : “Do you really like uhmm… ya, how I call it, love? Do you have any feelings to him? Did he know your feelings?”
Sister : “I don’t know, i really don’t know what kind of feelings is this, I just…..  i can’t get him out of my head, you know what? He likes a growing addiction that I can’t deny. I just… “, talking with tears on her cheek..

Oh, my God, she just cried. I don’t know how hard she tried to keep it for long time.

Me : “Hmm.. Do you really sure about him? I mean, yeah, I know, we can’t avoid  feelings but we can’t keep it if that hurt us, or well yeah we can pray to Allah to keep it for the right person for us. Well, we both knew that right? But, in my opinion, when you have any feelings to someone, and you really want to make it with him, I mean, you have desire to live with, why don’t you try to ask him? In this case you can ask an intercessor to help you. How?”
Sister : “But, I don’t have courage, I am not confident with myself whether I am worthy for him or not, you know I am nothing, I am not pretty, I am not intelligence, I am just nothing…” in crying sound.
Me : ” No honey, don’t say such things, you are great, and if a guy reject your proposal, it means he doesn’t know what kind of wife should he takes, and he will be a losers. And I think, he has the same feelings as you.. . Well yeah, i am not that sure as well, because you know i am not a physcology or even I am not  a medium. Hehehehe..” my voice was bland..

She just look on floor. I am saying this in really “dunno what I just said” I don’t even know that kind of suggestion. Fiuuuh..

Sister : ” So, should I tell him, “Would you marry me, Sir?” ? ” she smile and try to stop crying.
Me : ” If you sure after you do Istikharaa, then just tell him, because you have known its consequences right? Accepted or rejected. So, better you tell him through an intercessor. Because the more you keep it, the more you get hurt. Honey.. “ I told her confidently.
Sister : “Should I?” She asked me, with her sparkling eyes.
Me : “Bismillah, Allah by your side, sweety.. “ I answered her with a kiss in her cheek.

Then she hugged me. I saw her face, she looked more cute and better after she spoke it up to me. You know the feelings when you can destroy a huge stone on your life? You were relieved. And she just felt that.

Sister : “Then, sister, how about you? do you still wait for that guy? Does he know your feelings?”
Me : ” Hahaha, don’t ask me that, too tired to think it, and there are still many things to think about than that. Don’t worry, Allah knows me better, honey, InshaAllah i’ll get the best from Him. I believe in Him. 🙂 ” 
Sister : ” Well, just curious, because you told me those things, but you were.. yeah,, haha  :-p”
Me : “Well, I know what am I doing. So no need to worry. Just think about yourself.”

The most thing i hate is, when I am always pretending to be strong, but I am not that strong. But I do believe, every single thing in my life, Allah always accompany me, He always by my side. If I have a weakness, I don’t want to make people I love worry, they have nothing to do with my difficult time. Because they have own difficult time as well, so please don’t give them more problem to be solved. And we must be a problem solver not a trouble makers..

MA, Cimahi, 161112

Yin Yang

Sitting on her own chair at office, the place where so many documents lay abandoned, fill all my table’s space. Can you imagine that? With raining as the backsound, accompany her in her alone in the crowd time. She feels so uneasy. So many things suffocate her chest. She wants to take a breath, but she can’t do it freely. That is so annoying! Then her sister popped up on her computer with her “No photos”.

Yang : “Oh, my God, I wanna it so desperately”
Yin : “yes, me too so desperately, I want it”
Yang : “What should we do?”
Yin : “well working hard to achieve that and let the rest to God, Isn’t it something that we can do as human?”
Yang : ” Well yeah, we’ve tried many times, but what we got? Nothing!”
Yin : ” I know, but it is something that we don’t have power to make it true such what we want, so be patient!”
Yang : “I’m tired”

Yin : “So am I. And I miss that person so badly. Do I look like an insane girl?”
Yang : “Then, what will you do about that person on your mind?”
Yin : ” Trying to let it go to the cliff”
Yang : ” Are you really sure bout that? Will you regret it?”
Yin : “Sure. I won’t regret it. Not at all”


Krisyan, Cimahi 131112 5.35 pm

A young girl and An old man

One day in twilight, under the shade of the tree. An old man saw the young girl sat down on the bench. Her black eyes looking at something far away on the sky. With her gray veil on her head blown in afternoon breeze….

Old man : “What are you looking at, young girl?”
Young girl : “Nothing”
Old man : “No, I know you are looking at something on the sky”
Young girl : *sigh
Old man : “I guess, you are having  a difficult time?”
The Young girl smiles with tears in her eyes..
Young girl :

“Sometimes I feel tired of being alone..
But, sometimes I feel free of being alone..
But now, I am really tired being like this..
I need someone to hug me..
I need someone to kiss my forehead..
I need someone’s shoulder to lean on..
I need someone that I can talk all the night about all things..
I just I dunno what am I doing exactly?
I feel emptiness on my life..”

The old man looks her with compassion, such look his own daughter.
Old man : “ Well, I can understand what make you like this. But I know God never gives difficulties beyond your ability to deal with. Be patient ! because God be with people who are patient. “

Young girl : “Yeah, I am not impatient. Just don’t like waiting. Because dare to decide is a patient as well. And because waiting sometimes opens syaithan’s doors. So, I don’t like to wait ”

Old man : “Then what are you waiting exactly, Miss?”

That question always hanging in her heart..


Krisyan, Bandung 091012

Earth to the Moon

Missing someone isn’t about how long it has been since you’ve seen them or the amount of time since you’ve talked. It’s about that very moment when you find yourself doing something & wishing they were right there by your side. *sayingimages*

Everythings you ask in a good way, He will give it in a better way..

“I will ask you in a good way, tomorrow afternoon I will come to your home”

I’ve moved”

Earth take his paper and pen out.

Moon blushed, when she wrote her address on a piece of his paper. To Earth, Moon handed the paper and the pen, looking down the street. Almost no expression on her face, eventhough she was blushing and butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Tomorrow afternoon. It was exactly, the day of her birth.

Lifelong friend with Earth, She never felt like this, just a few minutes ago, about 30 minutes ago.

“If a good friendship will be friends forever, there may be the possibilty to be a life partner” . Earth, 30 minutes ago said that, such He  mets Moon for the first time in his life.

” I know, you wouldn’t want a ride home, take care, Moon”.

Continue reading

Refreshing dengan menulis

Ya, sudah 7 bulan saya bekerja sebagai seorang ahli di bidang yang saya geluti yaitu Teknik Lingkungan. Jika teman-teman atau adik tingkat bertanya, enak kuliah atau kerja? Saya selalu menjawab, pekerjaan saya tidak ada bedanya dengan dunia kuliah saya. Nothing different. Jadi sama aja rasanya. Bedanya dulu mengejar “akademik” alias IPK yang ingin CL. Sekarang kejarannya, keahlian, dan ya, mungkin finance ya. Hehe

Kalau dulu ngerjain tugas kuliah, mungkin masih ece-ece, hanya berdampak pada diri sendiri dengan nilai jeblok. Sekarang, benar-benar dituntut profesionalitas. Tidak hanya asal analisa, asal ngomen, asal cuap-cuap. Semua harus ada kriteria desainnya, harus berdasar faktual lapangan, ga bisa ngarang-ngarang apalagi hanya berintuisi. Taruhannya, tidak hanya nama baik kamu tapi juga nama baik perusahaan. Dan nggak cuma itu, yang kamu analisa itu nyata di lapangan, real, tidak hanya dalam shop drawing atau as bulit drawing doang.

Dan infrastruktur tersebut benar-benar akan di gunakan untuk masyarakat., nggak cuma pajangan di buku doang. Heuheu..

Jadi benar-benar berpikir keras kalau nganalisa. Ya, walaupun analisa saya masih dangkal, tapi banyak banget dapat pelajaran baru yang tidak ditemui di perkuliahan. Seperti, bagaimana berhadapan dengan beragam macam karakter manusia. Heuheu…

Sampai kadang saya terdiam, saking menahan emosi, hehe.. Hadooh, susah yha, kalau sudah salah ngotot lagi. Hehe.

Tapi saya suka bekerja dalam bidang ini. Bidang nyata apa yang saya habiskan selama 4 tahun di kandang Gajah. Hoho. Tak sia-sia saya belajar disini…